ANTANASIUS - Danke an mich

Titel 14: Heaven

You laying there we so scared
To see you crying every time
You so sad you was so glad
To know 4 hearts are in you alive
And now the time is standing still
And now the time is standing still

Sometimes you wish you die for us
Please stop thinking about that
We send one new now next to you
Four Angels watch over your life
And they should tell you every day
And they should tell you every day

We are there in heaven
With each other playing
Loock in the mirror and you will
See us in your eyes
And you will smile over your face
And you will smile over your face

Please we want you to be happy
Like before it breaks your heart
Things changed walk strange into the Future
We were always on your mind
Open your eyes don’t be blind
Open your eyes dont’t be blind

Imagine we are at your side
Think about the last child you’ve born
The date it was the time
4 years return we must die
And now a new baby cry
And now a new baby cry

We are there in heaven
With each other playing
Loock in the mirror and you will see us in your eyes
And you will smile over your face
And you will smile over your face